Focus on the Citation Longitude


Wingspan | 68 ft 11 in (21.01m)


Length | 73 ft 2 in (22.30m)


Height | 19 ft 5 in (5.92m)

Citation Longitude,
        the new standard

Fly this plane

The Cessna Citation Longitude aircraft
is the new standard in the super-midsize segment.
No other business jet in this class gives you
more range, greater payload or higher cruise speed
at a lower total ownership cost.


 Length 73 ft 2 in (22.30m)
 Height 19 ft 5 in (5.92m)
 Wingspan 68 ft 11 in (21.01m)
 Wing Area 537 sq ft (49.91 sq m)
 Wing Sweep 28.6 degrees
 Wheelbase 31 ft 7 in (9.63m)
 Tread 9 ft 8 in (2.95m)

Cabin Interior

 Height 72 in (1.83m)
 Width 77 in (1.96m)
 Length 25 ft 2 in (7.67m)
 Maximum Passengers 12

Baggage Capacity

 Weight 1.115 lb (505.8kg)
 Volume 112 cu ft (3.17 cu m)


 Maximum Takeoff Weight 39.500 lb (17.917 kg)
 Maximum Landing Weight 33.500 lb (15.195 kg)
 Full Fuel Payload 1.600 lb (726 kg)


 Maximum Cruise Speed 476 ktas (882 km/h)
 4 Passenger Range 3.500 nm (6.482 km)
 Takeoff Field Lenght 4.900 ft (1.494m)
 Landing Distance 3.400 ft (1.036m)
 Maximum Operating Altitude 45.000 ft (13.716m)
 Maximum Limit Speed 0.84 mach


 Manufacturer 476 ktas (882 km/h)
 Model HTF7700L
 Thrust 7.600 lb (33.81 kN)
Cessna Caravan
Cessna Denali 
Citation M2     
Wingspan 15.87 m 16.54 m 14.40 m
Length 11.46 m 14.86 m 12.98 m
Weight 4.53 m 4.62 m 4.24 m
Crew 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3
Maximum occupants 10-14 8-11 7
Baggage capacity 147 kg 150 kg 328 kg
Maximum speed 344 km/h 519 km/h 748 km/h
Maximum range 1,982 km 2,963 km 2,871 km

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